On Fire Missions is not affiliated with any church group or religious organization but rather a community of missions enthusiasts that desire to promote missions! Find out more at the On Fire Missions Statement Page.
24 / 7 Toll Free Prayer Line
Are you in need of prayer? Don’t hesitate to reach out to our Prayer Lines by clicking the button below, where our caring Prayer Warriors eagerly await your request.
Join our conference calls and experience the blessings of prayer, testimonies, and Christian fellowship! Interpreters will be provided for multiple languages!
House of Prayer Christian Church has got the attention of ON FIRE MISSIONS.
This missionary movement gets a five star rating from ON FIRE MISSIONS. In this church, everyone is missions-minded. Please take time to look through this site and allow your heart to be rekindled again with a zeal to reach the lost. ON FIRE MISSIONS is looking forward to review and post other exceptional Missionary churches!
Take a look at the On Fire Missions Prayer Lines that are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week! Luke 18:1 (NIV) “Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.”
News and Updates
Check out all the latest news and updates from On Fire Missions!
Now more than ever America is in need to for a revival movement to sweep the land! On Fire Missionaries have risen to the challenge by sending missionaries to many major American cites such as Washington DC, Chicago, New York City, Cincinnati, Houston, Jacksonville, FL, and Baltimore!
Join the House of Prayer International Conference Call Ministry for powerful united prayer and worship. Experience God’s presence as we seek His heart, pray for revival, healing, and transformation. Sign up now to be part of this global movement!
Take time and read all that exceptional Missions on ON FIRE MISSIONS
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Please help spread the Fire and spread the word about ONFIRE MISSIONS. Please feel free to link to this site, and share this site with all your friends and families. Let’s keep the fire burning.
On Fire Mission Categories
There are many mission fields or mission categories that are having an impact for the Gospel. In the On Fire Mission Categories page we showcase some of the vast array of these dynamic ministries. Below are just two of the several mission categories that On Fire Mission is featuring. Rekindle your Zeal!
So many have paid the price, labored tirelessness, and burned as a shining light for Christ. Onfire Missions remembers the legacies and heritage of Missionaries, Pastors, Evangelists, Teachers, and so many more that have paved the pathway for many to know about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
On Fire Rappers
Rapping for Jesus is one of the latest movements that is drawing many of today’s youth to the Gospel. From Hip Hop to Rhythm and Blues On Fire Missions has it covered from A to Z!
An On Fire Rapper for Jesus
An On Fire Rapper for Jesus
Picture of John Wesley preaching
An On Fire Rapper for Jesus
Picture of David Livingstone a Missionary to Africa
On Fire Ministries has many affiliates throughout the world. They are on the ground to support, assist, sponsor, and to open the door for for On Fire missionaries to minister in their respective countries. Invites come in continuously, for On Fire missionaries to come to their countries and churches.
House of Prayer Christian Church missionaries have joined the ranks of countless other churches that have partaken to the blessings of the “Holy Land”. House of Prayer regularly sends missionaries to Israel and has a dynamic Jewish / Christian ministry!
Matt 10:8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give. (NIV) There are many exceptional ministries that have generously blessed those that are in need!
House of Prayer missionaries in the Vatican
On Fire Prayer Warriors
House of Prayer missionaries at the Statue of Liberty
HOPCC Missionaries in Downtown Chicago
On Fire Prayer Warriors
On Fire Missions Having Fun!
Who says that Christians should be dreary and sad? Prov 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. (NIV) Christians can have a good time! Below are some pictures and click the On Fire Ministries having Fun page to see more great information!