House of Prayer Christian Church is On Fire


On Fire Missions

Rekindling a Zeal for Missions!

On Fire Missions is not affiliated with any church group or religious organization but rather a community of missions enthusiasts that desire to promote missions!  Find out more at the On Fire Missions Statement Page.  

House of Prayer Christian Church

House of Prayer Christian Church Hinesville GA

House of Prayer Christian Church Hinesville GA

House of Prayer Christian Church Hinesville, GA is a hallmark story to On Fire Missions.  The church which is located on 2540 Airport Rd in Hinesville, GA, is phenomenal.  The church name, which is sometimes known and abbreviated as “HOPCC,” has an incredible missionary ministry and ministers to the local community of Hinesville, GA, and the Ft Stewart military community.    

House of Prayer Christian Church in Hinesville GA Marriage Counseling

House of Prayer Christian Church Hinesville, GA, has sponsored marriage counseling seminars for married couples serving in the Armed Forces of Ft Stewart, GA.  As part of the church’s military ministry, the church has taught Bible-centered relationship-building classes to strengthen servicemember’s marriages.  Military marriages often go through hardships, difficulties, and stress due to deployments.  When there is division, then both men and women cannot stand.  The Bible in Mark 3:25, “If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” (NIV) Strong families are pivotal for servicemember’s well being during deployments.   The church has stepped up to the plate as a church that unites marriages and helps foster strong, healthy families in military communities.  Many have been the testimonies of married couples that were going through marital hardship, and the church and its members were there to support them in their duress. 

House of Prayer Christian Church
House of Prayer Christian Church National Conference
House of Prayer Christian Church Hinesville GA
House of Prayer Christian Church Hinesville GA Marriage Counseling
House of Prayer Christian Church
House of Prayer Christian Church's Ministry of Prayer
House of Prayer Christian Church
House of Prayer Christian Church Prayer Ministry in American Cities

Ministry of Prayer

One fascinating aspect of House of Prayer Christian Church Hinesville, GA is the church’s vibrant prayer ministry.  When this missions-minded church started in January 2004, it started as a prayer revival.  Christians gathered together and had prayer meetings to seek the face of God! Prayer is paramount to the spiritual vitality of any church.  The Gospels and the Book of Acts are filled with people meeting together for prayer.  The Bible says in Acts 3:1, “One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at three in the afternoon.” (NIV)From the beginning of this prayer ministry to the present, House of Prayer has daily noon-time prayer meetings inside the sanctuary.  The prayer meetings are open to anyone who wants to spend time in prayer.  This church is following the precedent set by other prayer revivals throughout church history.  History books are filled with events, such as the 1857 Fulton Street prayer revival in New York City, in which churches filled up with people for the noon-time prayer meetings.  In other instances, in American cities, whole sections of towns and businesses shut down at noon to give time for people to pray.  There can be no move of God without fervent effectual prayer.  The Bible says in James 5:16 to 18, “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.  Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years.  Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.” (NIV)  On Fire Missions recognizes House of Prayer dynamic prayer ministry. 

House of Prayer Christian Churches Hinesville, GA  has church Services that open for everyone.

Besides having daily noon-time prayer meetings, House of Prayer in Hinesville, GA, also has a full weekly church service schedule, and Bible studies.  The church services have spiritual worship, great music, and inspiring Bible preaching and teaching.  The weekly schedule of church services is open to anyone that has a desire to come.  Many people from Southeastern Georgia either hear about the church from a friend or were cordially invited and have visited a church service and have had a great experience.  The church shows openness and transparency by keeping the doors open to anyone who wants to come and worship the Lord!  This openness matches the following scriptures found in 2Cor 4:2 “Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly, we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God.”  (NIV) And then also in 2Cor 8:21, “For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man.” (NIV)

In conclusion House of Prayer Christian Church in Hinesville, GA has been a great help to the local community of Hinesville, GA, and the Ft Stewart, GA military community.  On Fire Missions honors the church’s support and sacrifice to offer so many great ministries that benefit the service personnel of America’s Armed Forces, the local community of Hinesville, and the entire Southeastern region of Georgia.  Surely, House of Prayer stands as a beacon of light with so many other wonderful ministries in the local area to minister to its diverse community’s needs!