Creole Prayer Line – 1-877- LA PRIYE (527-7493)
On Fire Missions would like to take this opportunity to recognize another of the amazing outreaches of the people at House of Prayer Christian Churches of America. This incredible church has sponsored a 24-hour toll free prayer line for over ten years. It is a phone line with real live Christians from this abounding group that answer the calls of desperate souls and pray with them as their faith in God is renewed. This outstanding outreach has blessed countless lives in America for many years, restoring hope to the hopeless. Now, On Fire Missions is excited to share the joyful news of an expansion of this toll free prayer line to include a 24-hour Creole prayer line.
Our God is a God of all nations, and He listens to the prayers of His people in every language. His love for the people of Haiti is evident in the opening of a 24-hour Creole prayer line, a testament to His inclusive nature. As the House of Prayer Christian Churches of America continues to grow, so does our responsibility to reach souls from all nations, providing a lifeline of hope in their native languages.
Language is not a barrier for God, and He has blessed us with prayer warriors fluent in Creole. These dedicated individuals are here to pray with and encourage other Creole speakers, bridging the gap and providing a beacon of hope and safety through the 24-hour Creole prayer line. This is another testament to the power of prayer and the strength of our community.
The power of prayer can reach further than any amount of money or the influence of politics. The psalmist David wrote in Psalm 40:1 (NLT), “I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry.” David knew where his help came from and depended on the power of prayer to bring him through all of his troubles. Having a 24-hour Creole prayer line to call at any hour radiates a glimmer of hope to the people of a nation going through a time of violence and chaos who need the power of prayer to deliver them from their troubles.
On Fire Missions is pleased to spotlight this new tool in God’s toolbox by this remarkable church to reach and encourage the Creole-speaking people of Haiti. God’s love truly has no boundaries, and the power of prayer truly has no limits.

HOPCC Haitian Ministry
Read more about the vibrant Haitian ministry at House of Prayer Christian Church