Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee? Psalms 85:6
When men in the streets are afraid to open their mouths and utter godless words lest the judgments of Sod should fall; when sinners, overawed by the presence of God, tremble in the streets and cry for mercy; when, without special meetings and sensational advertising, the Holy Ghost sweeps across cities and towns in Supernatural °power and holds men in the grip of terrifying conviction; when “every shop becomes a pulpit, every heart an altar, every home a sanctuary” and people walk softly before God-This is Revival!
Today the word revival has largely lost its real meaning. Our present generation, never having witnessed the mighty moving of God in nationwide spiritual awakening such as has taken place in past generations, has its conception of the magnitude of such a “visitation.” REVIVAL IS CONFUSED WITH EVANGELISM
Heaven-sent Revival is not religious entertainment where crowds gather to hear outstanding preachers and musical programs; neither is it the result of sensational advertising-in a God-sent revival; you don’t spend money on advertising; people come because Revival is there! Revival is an “awareness of God” that grips the whole community, and the roadside, the tavern, as well as the church becomes the place where men find Christ. There is a vast difference between our modern evangelistic campaigns and true Revival. In the former, hundreds may be brought to the knowledge of Christ, and churches experience seasons of blessings, but as far as the community s concerned little impact is made; the taverns, dance halls, and movies are still crowded, and godlessness marches on. In Revival, the Spirit of God, like a cleansing flame, sweeps through the community. Divine conviction grips people everywhere; the strongholds of the devil tremble, and many close their doors while multitudes turn to Christ!
The mighty “visitation” of those days, from which has flowed almost a century of spiritual blessing, represents a challenge even today. Like a spiritual tornado, the Spirit of God swept through the land, and New England became the center of the great awakening, resulting in great numbers finding salvation. In some towns, t was reported as being “almost impossible to find anyone who had not been converted.” Like a great spiritual epidemic, a tremendous conviction of sin swept through the land, and thousands turned to Christ. Drunkards, as they stood at the saloon bars, gamblers as they sat at the card tables, congregations as they sat in churches, even passengers onboard incoming liners came under the influence of this strange and wonderful moving of God and, kneeling in repentance, found pardon.
In many places, dance halls, theaters, and gambling dens were closed or emptied; new churches began to spring up everywhere; family alters were restored, and the spirit of prayer grew in intensity until anyone could cross the land and find a midday prayer meeting in almost any town! It was estimated that as many as 50,000 decisions were made in a week when this gracious visitation was at its height! From this Divine Intervention a world-wide Revival took place with revivals breaking out in the the British Isles and throughout the world. Following in its wake came mighty preachers of the Word of God, including DL. Moody, under whose ministry multitudes were called to repentance, and pioneer missionaries who have taken the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth.
2Chr 30:22 Hezekiah spoke encouragingly to all the Levites, who showed good understanding of the service of the LORD. For the seven days they ate their assigned portion and offered fellowship offerings and praised the LORD, the God of their ancestors.
2Chr 30:23 The whole assembly then agreed to celebrate the festival seven more days; so for another seven days they celebrated joyfully.
2Chr 30:24 Hezekiah king of Judah provided a thousand bulls and seven thousand sheep and goats for the assembly, and the officials provided them with a thousand bulls and ten thousand sheep and goats. A great number of priests consecrated themselves.
2Chr 30:25 The entire assembly of Judah rejoiced, along with the priests and Levites and all who had assembled from Israel, including the foreigners who had come from Israel and also those who resided in Judah.
2Chr 30:26 There was great joy in Jerusalem, for since the days of Solomon son of David king of Israel there had been nothing like this in Jerusalem.
2Chr 30:27 The priests and the Levites stood to bless the people, and God heard them, for their prayer reached heaven, his holy dwelling place.