It was in the garden of Gethsemane where our Savior would often be Spending time with the Father, alone on bended knee.
It was the last time He would enter that very special place; To break the spirit of the flesh as He lay upon His face.
Tarry ye here and watch, to the disciples He did say; was a crucial moment, He wanted them to pray.
As Jesus sought His Father, He cried aloud and wept; They could not watch one hour, He prayed on as they slept.
He went a little farther, said let this cup pass from me; Not my will but thine be done, He prayed more earnestly.
The sweat ran down as great drops of blood and fell upon the ground; He humbled Himself all the way so the Spirit could abound.
The flesh was being conquered as on His face He laid. To completely die to self, He was broken to be made.
And now Oh Christian, can’t you see, it’s time for you and I to come into the garden, and pray that self will die.
Surrender all to Jesus, there is no other way; Oh come into the garden, watch with me and pray.