Spanish Prayer Line – 1-855-414- ORAR (6727)
Here at On Fire Missions, we are always looking out for exceptional Churches doing extraordinary things, from mission trips at home and abroad to works of charity making a difference in our world; we like to highlight those doing the work of the Father. We have found such a gem in House of Prayer Christian Church’s 24-hour Spanish prayer line. This truly dedicated Church is doing precisely what all Christians are called to do with this prayer line: reaching the world!
The Bible declares, “From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. (Acts 17:26-27, NIV) In a world divided by nationalism, tribalism, and racism, it is absolutely magnificent to find this line of hope that reaches out to Spanish speakers everywhere. This is not just any ordinary prayer line; it is a toll-free, international prayer line that stretches far beyond the borders of the United States; it goes into the heart of every Spanish-speaking country worldwide, allowing all to call and get ahold of God’s praying people.
In the book of Psalms 121:4 NIV it states “Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” Men and women can call the Spanish prayer line 24 hours a day and seven days a week. When they call, they are guaranteed that they will be met with 24/7 Prayer Warriors who are ready to pray and encourage them any time of the day or hour of the night! The prayer warriors at this Church understand that sin waits for no man, nor do the burdens of humanity have a schedule that they follow, but on the contrary, needs arise at any hour, and so will the power of prayer! Their dedication and commitment to being available at all times is a testament to their love and care for the Spanish-speaking community.
It is nothing short of miraculous, the care that HOPCC shows for all of the souls of Latin America. When man could just sit back and take their ease, it’s not the case. Heaven is being bombarded by the love for God’s children; from Mexico, to Guatemala, to Spain, and to Honduras, El Salvador and beyond the calls are coming in and the care and compassion of the people of HOPCC are on the other line, grabbing the hands of the lost and hurting and pulling them to the heart of God. There is a shortage of words, man cannot fully explain the compassion and hope being poured into Latin America and the Spanish speaking world, by a small group of men and women armed with a 24 hour Spanish prayer line, and the power of God! The impact of this prayer line is not just significant, it is life-changing, inspiring hope and faith in the hearts of the Spanish-speaking community.