On Fire Missions is pleased to honor and recognize the front-line soldiers who are fighting against COVID-19. They are the un-seen heroes, who are often taken for granted and are hardly recognized for their work and labor of love. It takes a special kind of person to brave the horrors of COVID-19 and yet treat and nurture their dying patients back to health. They are the doctors, nurses, first responders, lab techs, pharmacists, and so many more medical professionals that we cannot possibly mention all of them by name. There is no doubt, that all these medical professionals are on, ON FIRE with a passion and a sense of duty that matches the bravest soldiers, who have fought and died for so many noble causes. Keep in mind, that just as in Christianity men and women are called into the ministry, the same is true for many medical professionals. They have answered the call for medical service to help a suffering humanity.
Please support and pray for On FIRE medical professionals. They are fighting a biological war that is ravaging the world. They are in your local hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies. They are sacrificing their lives to fight an invisible enemy called the Coronavirus. A simple “Thank You” can go a long way.
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